Problem solving

A general problem solving strategy

How do you solve a problem you haven't been shown how to do? It's relatively easy to look up answers to plenty of problems, but the creative process of problem solving is much more valuable, generally speaking.

Ultimately, the best way to learn how to solve problems is to consistently and mindfully practice solving problems. The following is a general outline of a problem solving process based on George Pólya's classic How to solve it.

Effective problem solving often relies on some form of good judgement regarding the situation at handbut remember

Good judgement comes from experience and expereicne comes from bad judgment.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes and to get problems wrong at first—fixing our mistakes is how we learn!

Working on the problem sets

Here are some tips to help you make the most of your efforts on the problem sets. This list is far from exhaustive and I urge any student who is struggling with the course to contact me as well as The Cutler Center for Student Success.